Saturday, July 20, 2013

Attention Science Fiction Fans! We Have Arrived!

The news out of Michigan today should be yet another wake-up call for all Americans.

Countless sci-fi movies have been based on split societies where the wealthy elite are kept safe and isolated behind a great wall that’s heavily guarded by a police force comprised of professional soldiers charged with keeping the common riff-Raff out of the pristine city.  Without proper identification that comes with your status in the city, entry is denied or you’re arrested for attempted entry into a zone forbidden to you.

Following your arrest, you’ll most likely be placed into servitude on one of the many prison farms which supply food to the elite. After a few years of hard labor working on the farm when your usefulness has dropped to below standard, you’ll be whisked away  to a dark and even more heavily guarded processing plant where you’ll discover that you have volunteered to join the new soylent-green-energy program and then fed to pigs to generate methane gas used by the elites’ city.

It would be nice to think that you’d be remembered by your friends and family on the outside of the city. As you imagine them in your mind, you realize that the tears in their eyes are not for you, but from the smoke coming out of the steel barrel of trash they’re burning as they huddle from the cold.

Is this what Hollywood has been preparing us for all along? I believe that since our failed federal government will not support national security at the borders, we will be seeing more solutions such as this. It’s what they want: a division of the nation.

I can’t fault anyone in Hamtramck, Michigan, for suggesting a protective barrier be built. As a society we’ve been doing just that since the beginning. It’s the only sensible solution to stopping the spread of rot caused by failed socialist programs that have destroyed city after city in our great country.  

As a nation, we must act now to cut the rotting flesh from our government that’s stinking up America.
The irony is that our government can’t build a 12 to 14-foot high wall to protect our borders from the ongoing invasion, yet can consider a wall for a township.

Don’t all Americans deserve the same level of commitment to security? We all want to keep our jobs, maintain our property values, and grow our nation knowing that we are safe from an invasion of international interlopers and freeloaders.

Stop the rot!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A fantastic source of information: ISCQC

It is an honor to be asked to participate in an interview for the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants, and discuss my books Barbed Wire, Barricades, and Bunkers and Emergency Air.

I'll be doing the interview later this evening and it will be posted for the members to view online. For anyone that's not a member, I suggest you check out this link: and decide for yourself if this isn't the most complete source of survival/prepper/patriot information on the net.

Be sure to check it out and become a member.

More later.
F.J. Bohan

The most important news of the day!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Survival Woman's Book Festival!

Once again I am happy to be a part of one of the best prepper resources on the internet: Backdoor Survival's Summer Book Festival and Giveaway! This time around Gaye is featuring and reviewing my newest book, Emergency Air for Shelter-in-Place Preppers and Home-Built Bunkers, Paladin Press, 2013.

Her article can be seen here:

Or through Before It's News, here:

Gaye continues to be a recognized source of information for preppers everywhere. I encourage everyone to review all of the books on the Summer Festival list.

Monday, July 1, 2013

CERT CON 2013: National Capitol Region CERT Conference Review / Readi Mask DEMO MUST SEE!

It was a pleasure to have been invited and attend the 2013 National Capitol Region CERT Con, hosted by the Fairfax County, VA, Office of Emergency Management (OEM). While my participation was limited to Saturday's events held at the Northern VA Community College, Annandale Campus, which was both well attended and clearly a success, conversations with others that attended the practical full-scale disaster field training training indicated that it was a successful exercise as well.

The guest speakers included regional, state, and FEMA level officials as well as private volunteers offering experience and expert advice in community preparedness. The guest speakers included Dante Randazzo (FEMA, Individual and Community Preparedness Division), Megan van Harte (NYC Office of Emergency Management),  as well as many local officials from the Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area.

In addition to the workshops and guest speakers, a limited number of information booths were made available to emergency management volunteers and officials attending the conference to learn more about supporting businesses, new products, and ideas that would make the job of  saving lives easier.

One NEW product displayed  by Global Safety First, LLC, (  ) was the Readi Mask fully sealable particle face-mask that comes with and without an integrated eye shield and also comes in adult and child sizes. The Readi Mask is an essential item that offers protection from a large variety of potential disasters that emergency management volunteers would face in today's world.

Global Safety First conducted a live demonstration of the Readi Mask with the assistance of a local emergency worker who volunteered to test the mask  by having an entire can of Saber Red police-strength pepper-spray emptied on his mask-shielded face. The results can be seen here:

Needless to say that it was an impressive demonstration.

Other supporting businesses included Cassel's Sports and Awards ( ), and  Tony Shideler with displaying THRIVE freeze-dried preparedness foods.

And of course I was there offering my books for sale and reminding people to remember to breathe!

Seriously though, my new book, Emergency Air for Shelter-in-Place Preppers and Home-Built Bunkers was well received by all. Thank you!

I am looking forward to next year's CERT Conference and EXPO to be hosted by the Prince George's County Maryland Office of Emergency Management.