Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gaye Levy's Backdoor Survival has a good article posted today: 

12 Tips to Use It Up, Wear It Out and Make It Do


The points made are well taken. I often wonder about some of the things I have that I am "saving" for later. Looking back, I should have been using those things all along. Like many other preppers, there have been times I had extra money and other times money has been tight. Either way, I have always sought to buy the best product available for the task. Well maybe not always but at least in the last 30 years or so. I learned early in life how purchasing "cheap" stuff always proves to be a waste of money.   

Most of the tools and equipment I have will last forever and are indeed the "last" of that item I should ever have to purchase. This however, has not stopped me from buying two or three of the same or similar items. I'll always have a family member or friend that needs or can use my extras. I think most preppers are like this too, but you can let me know if I'm wrong.

One item that I use daily is our Berkey water filter. It's the bigger sized counter-top drip model. We use it to filter all our water no matter where it comes from. It's designed to filter muddy slop and provide clean drinking water but actually adding slop to the tank would shorten the life of the filters.

This is why we keep clean food grade 5 gallon pails around the cabin. Any rainwater collected can be pre-filtered to nearly clear before actually placing it into the filter tank. Pollen and other dust will separate and either float at the top or settle to the bottom of the pail and can easily be removed before the water is run through the filter. 

The same method can be used whenever you're forced to use creek, lake, or river water. Let the pail rest overnight and allow the sediment in the water to separate and settle. Allowing the pail to sit two or three nights will make the water even more clear and be less harsh on the life of your filters.

While the Berkey tanks are clearly made to last, the filters will only last when treated kindly.

So be kind to your water filter and make it last a long time. Only add the cleanest water you can find.

More later. Thanks for taking the time to look here.







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